Source for Distressed Property Info – Website Design

Source for Distressed Property Info – Website Design

Project overview

The project involved transforming and enhancing the landing page for a website specializing in distressed property information. The original page was visually unappealing, suffered from low user interaction, and required an update to accurately represent the high-quality data and services provided.

My role
UX/UI designer, UX researcher – worked as a part of the BlueChannel team.
Performing interviews, creating paper and digital wireframes, developing both low and high-fidelity prototypes, executing usability studies, ensuring accessibility considerations, and iterating on designs.

Redesigned pages

Swipe to see more
Home page Angle

Design process

User research: summary
For the distressed property information website project, I conducted user research to understand the specific needs of our audience. Through interviews and the creation of an affinity map, it became evident that users were seeking an intuitive, trustworthy online platform for accessing distressed property listings. These insights were pivotal in shaping the development of a website that not only made finding distressed properties straightforward but also reinforced user confidence, crucial for transactions involving significant financial decisions.
Design strategy: addressing pain points

In the overhaul of the distressed property information website, the main issue was its antiquated design that was affecting user interaction negatively. My objective was to update the website with a contemporary, visually appealing, and easy-to-navigate interface that would appeal to users and foster trust in the platform. Furthermore, I employed user journey mapping to identify key points of interaction within the site. This method helped me discover opportunities for the website to offer vital information and improve the overall experience, making the process of finding and assessing distressed properties efficient and user-friendly.

Starting the design
I incorporated feedback and insights from preliminary user testing, a step that was essential in enhancing the website’s interface to boost user engagement. Special attention was given to achieving intuitive navigation and prominently showcasing the main services provided. This strategy was designed to streamline the user’s navigation through the site, facilitating easier access to and interaction with the essential information and services they seek, ultimately improving the overall user experience.

Laying out the content

In redesigning the content layout for the distressed property information website, I utilized wireframing to systematically structure the content into well-defined sections.

This approach was primarily aimed at addressing two main objectives: firstly, to align with business goals, which include encouraging users to engage with fundamental features such as browsing distressed property listings, utilizing valuation tools, and accessing investment guidance; and secondly, to meet user expectations by providing comprehensive and clear information on property details, condition, and investment potential, as well as advice on navigating the purchase process, thus improving their overall experience on the site.

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UI Design

For the redesign of the Source for Distressed Property Information website, I chose the Cairo typeface for all textual content, aligning with its status as the brand’s typography. This decision supports the site’s mission to provide in-depth and authoritative information on distressed properties. Cairo, characterized by its modern and clear-cut style, ensures that both headers and body text are readable and visually appealing, allowing key sections and services to be prominently displayed. The exclusive use of Cairo, as the brand’s chosen typography, creates a unified and elegant design aesthetic, reinforcing the website’s identity as a trusted and professional destination in the distressed property market.

Source for Distressed Property Info – Website Design

Final look

Here are the final designs for the webpages, after applying the visual identity.

“We hired to Alesia to help us with Figma design layout. She listened to our needs, asked questions, was very responsive, easy to work with, and delivered exactly what we were looking for. 10/10!”
Neil B.

Results and future steps

Positive Feedback: After the launch, the landing page of Colorado’s Source for Distressed Property Information website received favorable feedback from users, indicating a boost in both engagement and user satisfaction.

Next Steps: Going forward, the emphasis will be on consistently analyzing website analytics, soliciting ongoing user feedback, and applying regular updates and improvements. These initiatives will be informed by changing user needs and the latest trends in the real estate market, particularly in the distressed property sector, ensuring the website remains a valuable and relevant resource.



The Website Design project for the Source for Distressed Property Information effectively updated their online platform, turning it into a clean and accessible interface. This overhaul improved the site’s visual appeal and concentrated on boosting user engagement and satisfaction. By meticulously combining design elements with user-focused principles, the project created an online environment that not only highlights the potential of distressed properties but also aligns with the site’s business objectives and meets the refined needs of its audience.

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