SaaS Task Manager – Web App Design

SaaS Task Manager – Web App Design

Project overview

The project entailed developing an entirely new web app design for a SaaS-based task manager specifically tailored for a design company. With no prior specialized tool, the design company required a robust digital platform to streamline project workflows, enhance team collaboration, and manage design tasks efficiently. The objective was to create an interface that not only reflects the design company’s innovative spirit and attention to detail but also integrates advanced functionalities such as project tracking, real-time collaboration, resource allocation, and time management features. This fresh design was envisioned to facilitate a fluid, engaging user experience that aligns with the company’s ethos of design excellence and operational efficiency, providing a comprehensive solution for managing complex design projects.

My role
UX/UI designer, UX researcher
Performing interviews, creating paper and digital wireframes, developing both low and high-fidelity prototypes, executing usability studies, ensuring accessibility considerations, and iterating on designs.

Designed pages

Swipe to see more
Home screen Angle
Overview screen Angle
Task board Angle
Messages Angle
Project screen Angle
Menu expanded.
Menu collapsed.
Shows statistics and productivity of the team.
Easy-to-use task board. Just drag and drop 🙂
In-build messenger.
Gives details about the project, progress and team.

Design process

User research: summary
For the SaaS task manager web app design project, targeted at a design company, I engaged in extensive user research to capture the unique requirements of the company’s employees who would be utilizing the app. Through in-depth interviews and the development of an affinity map, it became clear that the staff needed a streamlined, intuitive tool for managing their design projects. These findings were vital in creating a new web app that not only simplified the task management process but also bolstered the users’ trust in the tool, a key element for fostering a productive and secure project management environment. This research-driven approach ensured the final design would effectively support the intricate workflows of a dynamic design company, enhancing both efficiency and user satisfaction.
Design strategy: addressing pain points

In developing a new design for the SaaS task manager web app for a design company, the central challenge was to craft an interface from the ground up that would be both captivating and functionally sophisticated for the design team. The aim was to create a web app with a clean, attractive, and intuitive interface that would engage the company’s employees and instill confidence in the tool’s ability to streamline their design processes. I also utilized user journey mapping, focusing on the employees who would use the app, to determine essential interaction points. This method enabled me to identify and implement features that provide critical information and enhance usability. The result was a more cohesive and efficient user journey, facilitating task management, project tracking, and team collaboration in a manner that resonated with the creative workflow of a design company.

Starting the design
I integrated feedback and insights from the initial user testing phase, a pivotal step in refining the SaaS task manager web app’s design to optimize user engagement within the design company. Special attention was dedicated to ensuring intuitive navigation and clearly highlighting the web app’s primary functionalities. This approach aimed to simplify the user’s journey through the app, making it more accessible and efficient for the design team to manage tasks, collaborate on projects, and track progress. The objective was to not only enhance the web app’s usability but also to significantly improve the overall user experience for the design company’s employees.

Laying out the content

In designing the content framework for the SaaS task manager web app, I employed wireframing to meticulously organize the content into distinct, coherent sections.

The rationale behind this method was twofold: firstly, to align with the business objectives of the design company by promoting user interaction with key features like task creation, project tracking, and team collaboration tools; and secondly, to meet the users’ needs by delivering clear and comprehensive information on the app’s functionalities, including task prioritization, project timelines, and communication channels, as well as guidance on optimizing workflow within the app. The ultimate goal of this strategy was to improve the overall user experience, making it more intuitive and effective for the design team to navigate and utilize the task manager web app.

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UI Design

For the new design of the SaaS task manager web app tailored for a design company, I selected Manrope for all textual elements, embracing a design philosophy that emphasizes clarity and modern professionalism. This typographic approach is devised to enhance the app’s interface by ensuring that all textual content, from headers to body text, is rendered in Manrope, which offers a sleek and contemporary feel with its geometric sans-serif characteristics. The choice of Manrope ensures that the titles and body content are not only highly legible but also aesthetically aligned with the sophisticated nature of a design-centric platform. Its clean lines and open forms are designed to capture the user’s focus on functionality while facilitating ease of navigation across various tasks and projects within the app. Employing Manrope consistently throughout the app underlines the design company’s commitment to creating a harmonious and efficient user experience, reinforcing the app’s identity as an integral tool in the design industry.

SaaS Task Manager – Web App Design

Final look

Here are the final designs for the webpages, after applying the visual identity.

SaaS Task Manager – Web App Design
“We worked with Alesia on the development of our SaaS task manager web app, designed specifically for our design company’s intricate workflow. Alesia applied a detailed focus to our unique project demands, actively engaged in insightful dialogue to thoroughly understand our requirements, sustained excellent communication throughout the process, and was incredibly cooperative. Alesia went above and beyond, delivering a design that flawlessly aligned with our company’s vision and needs.”
Dorothy F.
Product Manager

Results and future steps

Positive Feedback: Following its launch, the SaaS task manager web app garnered enthusiastic feedback from users within our design company, indicating a significant increase in productivity and overall satisfaction.

Next Steps: Moving forward, our approach will include continuous monitoring of app analytics, systematic gathering of user feedback, and consistent implementation of enhancements and optimizations. These efforts will be guided by the evolving needs of our users and the latest developments in project management and design workflows. This ensures the web app remains an indispensable, up-to-date resource for our team and aligns with our commitment to fostering a dynamic and efficient work environment.


The Web App Design project for the SaaS task manager tailored to the design company effectively established a new digital tool, developing a visually attractive and intuitive interface from scratch. This venture markedly improved the web app’s design quality and concentrated on boosting user engagement and fulfillment. By strategically incorporating design features informed by user experience principles, the project created an online platform that not only streamlines project and task management for the design team but also aligns with the web app’s operational objectives and meets the refined needs of its professional user base.

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