B2B Website Design – Cloud Services

B2B Website Design – Cloud Services

Project overview

The design project entails crafting a fresh website for a cloud services provider from scratch. The core objective is to create an aesthetically pleasing and intuitive online platform that effectively displays the company’s cloud offerings, expertise, and vision. This venture aims to narrow the distance between the provider and potential clients or partners by delivering a comprehensive, compelling, and smoothly navigable digital environment. The website will underscore the company’s dedication to cutting-edge cloud solutions, showcasing detailed descriptions of services, insightful case studies, and resources for understanding cloud technology. The design will emphasize clarity, professionalism, and engagement, motivating site visitors to explore the provider’s services, whether for immediate solutions, strategic partnerships, or to gain industry knowledge.

My role
UX/UI designer, UX researcher.
Performing interviews, creating paper and digital wireframes, developing both low and high-fidelity prototypes, executing usability studies, ensuring accessibility considerations, and iterating on designs.

Designed pages

Swipe to see more
Home page Angle
The main was the design of this page as other they wanted to make based on this.

Design process

User research: summary
For the cloud services website design, I undertook thorough user research to grasp the distinct needs of potential clients and partners. This involved conducting interviews with existing and prospective clients, as well as industry experts, and analyzing user engagement data to develop a broad spectrum of user personas. The research underlined the necessity for a platform that is both informative and easy to navigate, emphasizing the provision of cloud solutions. These findings were crucial in shaping a website that prioritizes straightforward navigation and clear communication, featuring in-depth service descriptions, case studies, and resources on cloud technologies. The final product is a digital space that not only showcases the cloud services but also educates and fosters a community within the tech industry, mirroring the priorities and interests of users who are key to the company’s success.
Design strategy: addressing pain points

In designing the new cloud services website, I was tasked with transforming a traditional and potentially outmoded web presence into a contemporary, interactive online platform for cloud solutions. The goal was to infuse the site with a sense of professionalism and technological sophistication that resonates with potential clients and IT professionals. To achieve this, I meticulously mapped out the user journey, pinpointing key interactions where informative and technical content could be positioned to demystify cloud services. My approach was centered on creating an intuitive and engaging experience for visitors seeking to understand and utilize cloud solutions, ensuring the website serves as a conduit between cutting-edge cloud technology and businesses seeking to modernize their operations.

Starting the design
During the development of the cloud services website, I incorporated critical insights from preliminary user testing sessions. This feedback was vital in refining the website’s user interface to significantly boost user engagement. A special emphasis was placed on streamlining the navigation and clearly presenting the available cloud solutions and services. The aim was to simplify the user’s exploration process, allowing potential clients and partners to swiftly locate and utilize the information and services they require, thus enhancing the overall user experience on the platform.

Laying out the content

In developing the content architecture for the new cloud services website, I initiated the process with comprehensive wireframing to systematically structure the content into coherent, user-centric sections. The main goal was dual-purpose: firstly, to be in sync with the company’s objectives of promoting interaction with key features such as service explorers, cost calculators, and support portals; and secondly, to satisfy user requirements by offering clear, concise information on how the company’s cloud services can empower their business operations. This deliberate structure was intended to create an environment where users can effortlessly navigate and interact with the website, establishing a seamless link between potential clients and the cloud solutions they need to advance their technological infrastructure.

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UI Design

For the cloud services website design, I chose the ITC Avant Garde Gothic typeface for both headings and body text. This decision was shaped by the need for a typeface that embodies the innovative and forward-thinking nature of cloud technology. ITC Avant Garde Gothic, with its distinct and geometric sans-serif design, projects a modern and professional image, aligning perfectly with a platform at the forefront of cloud services. Its legibility on a wide array of devices ensures that even the most technical content is presented in a clear, accessible manner. This typeface’s clean lines and sophisticated look reinforce the site’s ease of use, harmonizing with our objective to make the process of understanding and implementing cloud solutions as user-friendly as possible.

B2B Website Design – Cloud Services

Final look

Here are the final designs for the webpages, after applying the visual identity.

“Working with Alesia on developing our cloud services website was an incredible experience! Alesia demonstrated a profound understanding of our unique business needs, effectively translating our concept for advanced cloud solutions into an accessible and engaging user experience. Her commitment to quality is evident in every facet of the website, from the clear service descriptions to the fluid navigation that assists visitors in discovering the right solutions. I am exceedingly satisfied with the outcome and enthusiastically endorse Alesia to anyone looking for a deeply committed and proficient UX/UI designer capable of delivering impactful results.”
Mark S.

Results and future steps

Since launching our cloud services website, the feedback from our clients has been overwhelmingly positive. Users have commended the enhanced user experience and the sleek, professional design elements. As we move forward, we are dedicated to continuously collecting and examining user data and feedback, which will inform the iterative development of our website. This persistent effort will enable us to adapt to our clients’ evolving needs and remain at the forefront of the cloud services industry. Our aim is to ensure that our platform consistently serves as the premier destination for businesses seeking cutting-edge cloud solutions, reflecting ongoing innovations and the current benchmarks in digital cloud service provision.


The launch of a new website for cloud services has created a dynamic and professional online presence. This overhaul has significantly improved both the aesthetic appeal and the functionality of the site, making it much more navigable and user-centric. The design carefully integrates elements that reflect the innovative spirit and efficiency of the services provided, underscoring the transformative impact of cloud technology. The result is a more engaging and interactive platform that not only aligns with the expectations of the tech-savvy audience but also propels the company’s objectives in the competitive cloud services market.

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